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Tag: saturn

Ameba for Dreamcast and Saturn

Dev Diares #06 – The Morning After

Welcome to a new episode of our Dev Diaries about Ameba! Please take a moment to imagine the following scenario… Someone just passed away. Someone close to our main character Hugo. He returns home feeling devastated, but also somewhat relieved. It’s the morning after, and he has a new lead

Rock and Rol Games entrevista a Retro Sumus

Entrevista con Rock And Rol Games

Tras nuestro paso por el podcast de The Dreamcast Junkyard, hemos podido responder también las preguntas de Rock And Rol Games, a quienes conocimos en RetroBarcelona cuando pasaron por nuestro stand y se interesaron por nuestros proyectos. Os dejamos el vídeo recién publicado en su canal. En él comentamos, entre otras cosas,

The Dreamcast Junkyard DreamPod featuring Ameba and Xenocider

Retro Sumus joins The Dreamcast Junkyard’s DreamPod!

Last sunday, I joined Tom Charnock and the rest of The DreamCast Junkyard team for the 20th episode of the DreamPod! We talked Dreamcast, Saturn, Neo Geo Pocket… and more specifically RetroBarcelona, Pier Solar, and of course Ameba and Xenocider. Some new and exciting detailes about our projects were revealed,

RetroBarcelona 2015

¡Algo pasa en RetroBarcelona!

A todos nos sienta bien quedar con amigos a los que hace tiempo que no vemos. Uno se pone al día, reparte abrazos, cuenta anécdotas recurrentes de ocasiones anteriores y, por regla general, vuelve a casa contento. Personalmente, así es como he vivido este estupendo fin de semana, compartiendo un enorme stand

Nexgam interview

New interview with neXGam!

Deutsch: Im Gespräch mit Retro Sumus Daniel Horvath aka 108 Stars, who did the pixel art for WaterMelon‘s Pier Solar, interviews team member Carlos Oliveros about Ameba and Xenocider! neXGam: Hello Carlos. Please introduce yourself to the readers. Carlos: Hello, Daniel. I’m Carlos Oliveros aka Hombreimaginario, I’m an advertising copywriter


Dev Diaries #02 – Ameba music composition

Contrary to what is common in the video game and movie industries, composer Juanjo Martín has been there since the very first moment the plot for AMEBA was being planned. Which means he contributed some ideas for the main characters. This is what happens when Juanjo and yours truly meet