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Author: Carlos

AMEBA | A detective adventure game in development by Retro Sumus

Blog and forums are now live

Hello and welcome to our humble blog and forums, which are finally open for business. Yes, we know they’re simple and that’s how we like them! We won’t be needing much more in the near future, but we were eager to have our own place

Carl Williams from Retro Gaming Mag talks Ameba

Oh hey! Carl Williams from Retro Gaming Mag talks AMEBA, and we love it! Thank you for spreading the word! Even more interesting is the storyline of Ameba, at least what we know of it so far. Ameba is set in modern day Madrid (not

Carlos and Chui talk Pier Solar at RetroBarcelona. Image credit: Alfonso Martínez / SegaSaturno

Our first interview + character designs revealed!

Just a couple days before RetroBarcelona, I got an email from Tommy Åslin from Segazine. He had heard about the AMEBA project and had some questions I gladly anwered while on my trip back from the event. We thought it was about time to reveal

TSSZ News and Games Tribune Magazine talk AMEBA

We just read a nice article about AMEBA by long-time friend and TSSZ News reporter Andrea Gil. You can check it out here. Andrea Gil firma la versión en español de su artículo sobre AMEBA en Games Tribune, disponible aquí. Via @tssznews | @gamestribune |

Too big?

Someone told us that ass was too big. But we’re actually huge fans of it 😀 News about the AMEBA project coming (really) soon!